What Is Titano Crypto ?

Titano Crypto is a cryptocurrency that converts DeFi with the Titano auto-staking protocol (TAP) that seeks to provide a high fixed APY and rebase rewards every 30 minutes. It also aims to be an easy trade system that increases the trader’s portfolio in the wallet, quickly. Titano focuses on innovation that develops usefulness and significance for Titano token holders.

Advantages of Titano Crypto

The TAP protocol is utilized in the Titano token, seeking to provide it advantages for TITANO holders, such as:

Secure and easy

The platform seeks to offer auto staking right in the trader’s wallet after purchasing Titano, and there is no necessity for moving the tokens to the website.

APY is fixed

APYs suggests the number of tokens can’t be predicted while receiving them. However, as claimed by the platform, other DeFi protocols deliver a high APY that can fluctuate up to 90% in a day. TAP aims to pay holders of Titano a fixed yield rate of compounding 102,483.58% annually and 1.8999% daily.

Quick rebase rewards

Different famous staking protocols deliver rebasing rewards every 8 hours. Titano’s auto-staking protocol seeks to deliver rebasing rewards every 30 minutes or 48 times every day.

Moreover, in Titano, a rebase token is such whose circulating supply contracts or expands due to shifts in the token price. This decrease or increase in supply functions with a mechanism known as rebasing. When a rebase happens, the token supply is decreased or increased algorithmically, based on the token’s current price. Titano’s TAP aims to benefit from a positive formula of rebasing that seeks to increase the supply of tokens, letting Titano holders keep growing the tokens, like in a standard staking protocol.

How To Purchase TITANO Coin?

TITANO has been listed on top in currency exchanges. Pan cake Swap, on the other hand, is the best exchange for purchasing TITANO crypto coins. Here’s how to get your hands on some $TITANO:

  • Binance smart chain added to your Meta Mask wallet.
  • Buy BNB (Binance cryptocurrency) with your fiat currency.
  • Transmit the BNB to your Meta Mask.
  • To make the BNB/TITANO trade, go to Pan cake Swap.
  • Set the slippage to roughly 15% and confirm the swap.
  • You now have $TITANO staking in your wallet on autopilot.

Titano Crypto currency Price Prediction

Titano coin is worth $0.120247 USD and has a 24-hour trading volume of $1,014,713 USD. In the previous 24 hours, the coin has dropped 16.11 percent. Let’s take a peek at this coin’s future.

It achieved an average price of $1.152 by the end of the year. According to their calculations, the long-term earning potential in one year is +871.73 percent. Meanwhile, according to Digital Coin Price, the currency will be worth $0.1583 before the end of the year. According to the projection, the price of one TITANO coin could reach $0.2081 in one year.


Titano is a cryptocurrency-based online investment platform that debuted in November 2021 and runs on the Binance Smart Chain. However, Titano offers simple and secure staking as well as an industry-leading fixed APY. With over 80,000 holders and a market valuation of $70 million at the time of writing, it has become one of the most hyped enterprises in the Defi industry in just over five months.

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