Crypto Banter

Crypto Banter is a platform created to bring live, credible crypto content to the global community 24/7/365. In traditional markets, live, credible content is freely available. Users can access platforms such as CNBC or Bloomberg at any time and within 30 minutes they have an encompassing view of the markets from a single credible source. Though there are many channels in crypto, a single source of live, credible , 24/7 streaming content does not exist and Crypto Banter is filling that gap.

Over the next 12 months we will be expanding our programming aggressively until we deliver our promise of 24/7/365 live streaming, credible crypto content. Our teams operate at the highest levels of journalism, education, ethics and integrity to ensure that you have all the information you need to navigate every aspect of the crypto space and make wife-changing money! Everything that we do is with community in mind and since January 2021 we have built the one of the most loyal crypto community in the world.

Founder Of Crypto Banter

Ran Neuner – The founder of Crypto Banter

Ran Neuner is a major figure in the cryptocurrency industry and is a vocal participant of Crypto Twitter. He is co-founder and CEO of Onchain Capital, a crypto investment fund and consulting service, and is widely known as the host of “Crypto Trader,” the world’s first crypto TV show, which was launched on CNBC in 2017. Neuner is a chartered financial analyst, and he recently completed an executive leadership program at Harvard Business School. His significant contributions to the blockchain industry earned him a spot on Richtopia’s list of the top 100.

Neuner’s 2020

In 2020, Neuner was actively involved in crypto media, focused on new content models. In November, Neuner launched “Crypto Banter,” the world’s first livestreaming platform dedicated to cryptocurrency and blockchain. According to creator, Crypto Banter is designed to bring the banter from Crypto Twitter and Telegram to a credible, moderated audio/visual source.

Neuner’s 2021

Neuner plans to build his Crypto Banter platform, which aims to be the world’s first crypto-focused streaming platform available 24 hours  365 days per year. As cryptocurrency adoption continues to grow and mature with new industry entrants like PayPal. However, there will certainly be more demand for Neuner’s crypto and blockchain expertise in 2021.

Crypto Banter Allegations

A crypto influencer has been accused of dumping an altcoin while promoting it to his audience. However, a YouTube video posted by Crypto Exposed claimed that NeuNer sold Alien Worlds tokens on the same day he performed a live interview with one of the project’s team members. Crypto Exposed points to a screenshot from Neuner’s video. And also shows TLM worth 0.43 million. At the time, the transaction would have been worth about $25,000, and the Crypto Exposed video adds. Later Ran NeuNer The founder of Crypto Banter – has dismissed the allegations as FUD. And while he accepted responsibility for the mistake. However, Neuner claimed that the TLM transaction amounted to less than 1% of Crypto Banter’s million stake in the project.


Basically, Crypto Exposed points to a screenshot from Neuner’s video and also shows TLM worth 0.43 BTC coinciding with a livestream about the project to hundreds of thousands of subscribers. At the time, the transaction would have been worth about $25,000, and the Crypto Exposed video adds.

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